Today when I’m writing this, it’s July 10th. Though it hasn’t quite been 6 months since my first official week with you all, it’s been a full year since I sent in my application to be your pastor on July 8, 2022. Sending in that application was a risk, and in some ways it didn’t make a lot of sense, but it was something that the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let go of me about. It was an itch that I couldn’t get rid of, a question my curiosity needed to investigate, and a hope that wouldn’t let me go. And though it was a risk, I believe I’m where I’m supposed to be. It’s been an unimaginable 6 months full of things I couldn’t have predicted, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
We’ve shared services and projects with our host church. We’ve had our own service projects. We’ve revitalized our digital presence. We’ve had masses and meals. We’ve figured out what it means to be an in-person church in this stage of covid. We’ve met our neighbors at community events and have plans to do more to let people know where we are and that we want to journey with them in the pilgrimage of life.
I’ve met with people across the communion, getting to know more about what the ECC is and how it expresses its unique catholicity. I’ve gotten to chat with many of you about your lives and joys and pains, and what brought you to SCF. I’ve learned that you are thoughtful, kind, grounded, funny people. I’ve been in your homes and you’ve been in mine. In short, we are doing church together, and it makes me so happy! I feel so lucky and blessed to be with you all, my people. I look forward to meeting those I haven’t yet had a chance to meet, and to continuing to be about the life-giving work of God in our neighborhood and world. It is a joy to be with you, and I just wanted you to know that.
Your pastor,