Becoming an Apprentice to Sorrow
Pastor Maggie's homily from our August 10th observance of the Feast of St. Clare. You can watch a recording of the homily here . +++++...
Becoming an Apprentice to Sorrow
An Easter Thank You!
An ancient blessing
Foot Washing: never gonna happen, no way, not in a million years...times infinity
Just Bring Jesus
What Jonah teaches us about Shelter
An Advent homily for when your refrigerator enrages you
Belonging vs Membership: what does it mean to be part of SCF?
Praying When Quiet is Hard
Foot traffic? Really?
6ish Month Reflection
Blessing Bags Update!
Thoughts on the Good Shepherd
Spring Gratitude
Inside Out, offering ourselves
Inside Out, the Samaritan woman & our wounds
Inside Out, our Lenten journey
The Beatitudes & Grief