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  • Writer's picturePastor Maggie

Spring Gratitude

Updated: May 16, 2023

I have been feeling very grateful lately. My neighbors across the street have a huge flowering tree

in their front yard, and for two solid weeks it bloomed resplendently and was perfectly framed in our living room window. I would find myself just looking at it, watching it dance with the wind, smiling like a besotted idiot.

It's our first spring in the new neighborhood, and driving through it I am awed by the beautiful trees and flowers. Redbuds and dogwoods of many colors, azaleas, Japanese Maples, poppies, tulips, dandelions, all blooming like they too can't believe how lucky they are to be alive. Even in our own yard there are almost as many violets as there is grass. I hope there is beauty in bloom where you are too.

I'm also grateful to be with you, celebrating Easter and the many ways God is moving among us. We have been blessed with another good host and partner in First Congregational Church (see the replay of the Good Friday Blues service if you don't believe me). Folks are pledging to share their time and talents with our community. Our Easter Vigil Mass was moving and joyful. We are beginning to plan our summer barbeques. All in all, we are very blessed. May we all take the time to notice new life in bloom.


Pastor Maggie

P.S. I was feeling especially moved a couple of days ago, so I put together an Easter Season playlist. Hopefully it will inspire and uplift you like it has me.

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